



  Three mothers became friends because of their beloved kids with autism syndrome. They learn, encourage, and support each other. Though they live in different regions: one in Taipei (northern Taiwan), another in Kaohsiung (southern Taiwan), the other in Hualien (eastern Taiwan), they form strong relationship and connection. The tough moms arrange trips and visit each other with their kids, helping these Asperger kids to experience different family lifestyles, learn social skills, build and maintain relationships. 

  三個孩子在媽媽們努力下,慢慢建立起友誼關係, 開始有了初步的感情互動。他們在一起時的行為、語言互動, 及相處對應方式,總是一連串的驚奇意外,令人時而莞爾, 時而爆笑,時而哭笑不得。當然更多時候是令人看了心痛的。 這在自閉症孩子來說是很不容易的,雖然不免還是時而衝突, 媽媽們不放棄的努力著。 
  With the moms' efforts, three boys gradually started to build friendship. When they are together, their interactions are always beyond our imagination. They are fun yet annoying, amusing yet driving the moms crazy. But, most of the time, watching them you just feel tears in your eyes. Building relationship is never easy for children with autism. They would certainly have quarrels or conflicts, but the tough moms never gave up.  

  明澐十歲,是高功能自閉症孩子,容易固著於喜歡事物, 而經常處於發呆出神狀態。但他個性衝動情緒躁動, 一生氣就揮手打人。明澐打人是當下情緒無法排解, 或者無法懂得以一般人的感情來互動,因而他打人是不帶仇恨敵對, 他生起氣來,連媽媽、姊姊也打。 
  Mox (Ming-yun Lee), 10-year-old boy of high functioning autism, always pays all his attention on things he likes and indulges in his own state of mind.  He is impulsive, irritable; he would hit people even his mother or sister when he feels unhappy or angry, yet you know it never is hatred. Mox is unable to solve the negative emotions, or, he just doesn't know how to interact and communicate in the normal way.  

  明澐喜歡畫畫、跳舞。他是小學舞蹈資優班學生, 跳起舞來渾身力氣,彷彿用不完似的。畫畫、 跳舞是明澐天賦潛力發展的所在。
  Mox enjoys painting and dancing. He is a primary school student in the gifted class on dance.  Mox has great talents and potentialities on painting and dancing. 


  宇謙九歲,是「亞斯伯格」孩子,天生感情過於豐富, 挫敗忍受度很低。他情緒躁動,容易失控陷入哭鬧不已。 但當情況好時,卻會呈現出他溫暖貼心的一面。他喜歡畫畫、演戲、 唱歌。他最喜歡關於戰爭歷史,跟軍事、武器相關的知識。 發揮想像力於時空旅行,跟星際大戰。 

  Yuchien (Yuchien Ma), 9-year-old boy with Asperger Syndrome, is innately emotional. He cannot deal with frustration and control for crying when things go wrong. But occasionally when he is in a good mood, he is really caring, gentle, and sweet. He enjoys painting, acting, and singing. His favorite includes war history, knowledge of the military and weaponry. He's fascinated with imaging space/time travel, and ''Star Wars.'' 
  Being over-sensitive, it's not easy for Yuchien to extricate himself from extreme moods. He cannot help crying, pouring out his vexation, and giving vent to his emotions.    

  志澄九歲,有著「亞斯伯格」行為特質。他目光帶著飄忽感覺, 彷彿有在看,又似沒在看,目光中看不到焦點。在團體生活中, 難以融入正在進行的活動,總是不自覺的自顧自的玩他自己的。   
  Cheng (Chi-cheng Chien), 9-year-old with Asperger Syndrome behavior, lacks a sense of proper social interaction. His eyes never really fix on certain thing, and you don't know if he is looking or not. He seems not interested in sharing experiences with people, instead, he entertains himself with his toys or games.   

  志澄對他喜愛的事物,會深入探究,回答起問題來, 十足肯定不容懷疑。他固著喜歡星際大戰(電影跟卡通影集都擁有) ,幾乎每天一早起來就看星際大戰,看完才上學。 他不只看星際大戰,還和明澐、宇謙一起畫星際大戰, 發展出屬於他們的星際大戰想像。     
  Cheng would study hard on things he likes and do researches as a little professor. He fixes his attention on Star Wars films and cartoons. Everyday when he gets up, he has to watch an episode of Star Wars, and then goes to school. He draws pictures on themes from Star Wars with Mox and Yuchien. Together they develop their imagination and elaborate their own version of (star wars) stories.  

  柏毅二十歲,是重度自閉症的青年。他個性開朗, 笑起來很動人, 是個陽光小子。柏毅在美國洛杉磯出生長大,喜歡騎馬、游泳、 繪畫、彈吉他唱歌。尤其在繪畫上表現極為亮眼,在美國、 台灣都開過畫展。 柏毅語言能力很弱,卻以畫畫展現他那難以言說, 暗藏在內心深處的豐富感情。六月他和媽媽去巴黎旅行, 在羅浮宮他站在耶蘇受難的畫作前,對著耶蘇唱起聖歌。 他開心的說蒙娜麗沙笑得很美,因為她正在禱告。在奧賽美術館, 對著他喜愛的梵谷,跟他打招呼問好,說好久不見了! 彷彿梵谷還活著似的。八月他回洛杉磯開畫展,展出他在巴黎畫的, 及巴黎回來後所畫的作品。並和他許久不見的哥哥, 共度一段美好日子。哥哥就讀西雅圖華盛頓大學心理學系, 畢業論文將寫自閉症研究,在他心目中深深以這個弟弟為榮。 
  Leland Lee, an autistic youth of 20-year-old with cheerful personality. He is a big boy; his smile and happy look are touching. Leland was born and raised in Los Angeles, he enjoys  horse riding, swimming, painting, playing the guitar and singing. His repertoire in painting is unique and successful, not to mention that he has held exhibitions in the United States and Taiwan. Leland cannot communicate by words, however, he finds other ways to express  emotions and feelings deep in his heart. When he visited Musée du Louvre, he sang a psalm while looking at a painting of Jesus Christ. He said that Miss Mona Lisa (Portrait of Lisa Gherardini by Leonardo da Vinci) is beautiful because she is saying a prayer. In Musée d'Orsay, he said hi to Vicent van Gogh's ''Self Portrait,'' as if the great artist is still alive. After his Paris trip, he had an art exhibition held in LA, and spent some time with his brother Jason, a psychology major at University of Washington. Jason is really proud of his younger brother Leland and will be writing his graduation thesis on autism.


  這部影片呈現他們在生活裡的樣子,他們的感情、語言, 以及行為模式的表達,讓大家瞭解感受到屬於他們的生命差異性。 同時在片頭跟片子結束時,以他們畫作中的圖像元素,製作電腦二D 動畫,呈現出他們那難以言語表達的那份內心異想世界。 
  The film shows the real life of these kids with autism spectrum disorders : their feelings, languages, and behavioral patterns. The audience may have better understanding about how autistic kids could be so different and treasurable. In order to show the kids' inner worlds that is hard to express by words, we collected elements from art works of the kids and produced 2D computer graphic animations as the opening and ending sequences.

*一閃一閃亮晶晶 官方網站


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